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Month: August 2019



Fathala Wildlife Reserve in Senegal is almost 15,000 acres of protected forest land that was originally a Mandinka village until 1996. Since 2000 the owners have fenced, developed watering holes, and imported some of the animals from South Africa to create a safari experience in West Africa. This eco-resort is dedicated to preserving endangered species and has been successful in helping to save… ....READ MORE

Gambia Songhai Initiative

Gambia Songhai Initiative


The Songhai model has been replicated in Benin, Nigeria and 15 other African countries. It has the support of various donors including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources that can help people build a better life for themselves. The UNDP is funded entirely… ....READ MORE | 1 Comment

Education Workshop

Education Workshop

In July the Education Sector of Peace Corps The Gambia (PCTG) held a Training of Trainers (TOT) event at the beautiful Jungle Beach Resort in Sanyang. I did not attend this event, but I received a synopsis and lots of great photos that I want to share. I feel strongly that literacy is a fundamental requirement if Gambians are going to reach their maximum potential. I also… ....READ MORE