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Month: August 2018



Tobaski or Eid-al-Adha is a Muslim holiday commemorating Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his own son, Ismail, in the name of Allah. Before Abraham could sacrifice his son, God provided a ram for sacrifice instead. Tobaski coincides with the end of the annual Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, one of the five pillars of Islam. Eid-al-Adha or Tobaski is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year. The other… ....READ MORE | 7 Comments

Rainy Season

Rainy Season

The 2018 rainy season began on June 27 with a massive dust storm followed by torrential rains. There had been occasional light sprinkles since early June, but the photo above reflects the incredible power of the first major storm of the year. Harry took the photo from his village in the Central River Region, where he had a clear view of the approaching storm. The photo below was… ....READ MORE | 2 Comments

Meet Mamud

Meet Mamud

Mamud Ndow contacted me through my blog – he wanted to learn about the gardening techniques I have written about. At 31 he is a very enterprising young man, finding ways to make a living promoting agriculture products. He sells fresh juice during the tourist season on the beach in front of the hotels near Kombo. He is also working on starting an umbrella organization, so… ....READ MORE | 6 Comments